S.L.A.M. Sweat Like A Mother Program In Charlotte, NC
S.L.A.M. is our stroller-friendly outdoor strength & conditioning class. Any fitness level and all stages of motherhood are welcomed with options provided to ensure success for all participants.
Our mommy and me model allows children and babies to join mom and stay close throughout the workout. Our community is an amazing mix of moms who come with or without their children.
For safety reasons, children 4 and under should remain in a stroller during class. We move as much as possible during the hour to keep strollers moving and occupied. Coaches can assist with baby snuggles as needed and kids can be tended to at any time.
After every class, stay after to connect with other moms and have some playground fun. Our Tiny Tots Playgroup is organized twice monthly and will consist of a craft or activity. Also included in S.L.A.M. Membership: Mom's Night Out, Book Club, Thrive Society (Working Moms Support Group), & more.
Follow us on Instagram: @s.l.a.m.charlotte to see our community in action!
Classes meet from 9:45-10:45am, weather permitting. Class times may vary seasonally.